
Approvals listed below are valid for 01/01/24 – 12/31/24

Course Title Hours Tuition Approval #
Case Studies: Lumbar Spine Discopathies - Patient Care and Imaging 6 $99 2024-1636
Chiropractic Assistant Training Course 40+ $399
Concussion 15 $235 2024-1635
Evaluation of Principles and Practice for the CCSP $329 ON SALE FOR $199
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) 5 $89 2024-1633
Physical Assessment and Management of the Knee 6 $99 2024-1928
Professional Boundaries and Chiropractic Practice 6 (Risk Management / Boundaries Training Category) $99 2024-495 PP
Sports Chiropractic in a Collegiate Setting 3 $69 2024-1632
Upper Extremities Rehab: Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation of UE Sports Injuries 3 $69 2024-1634