
Course Title Hours Tuition
Active Care of the Lumbar Spine for the Health Provider 6 $99
Acupuncture 10 $185
Ankle, Leg and Foot 4 $79
Blood Flow Restriction Training for Rehabilitation and Performance 3 $69
Bloodborne Pathogens and Communicable Disease 2 $59
Case Based Approach to Soft Tissue Injury 4 $79
Case Studies in Chiropractic – The Cervical Spine I 6 $99
Case Studies: Lumbar Spine Discopathies - Patient Care and Imaging 6 $99
Chiropractic Assistant Training Course 40+ $399
Chiropractic Care of Peripheral Neuropathies 12 $205
Class 4 Laser Therapy Science and Physiology 4 $79
Concepts of a Team Chiropractor 10 $185
Concussion 15 $235
Cultural Diversity and Cultural Competency 2 $59
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 2 $59
Emergent Care of the Injured Individual 12 $205
Ethical Issues in Chiropractic Practice: 12-Hour 12 $205
Ethical Issues in Chiropractic Practice: 6-Hour 6 $99
Ethical Use of Social Media 2 $59
Evaluation of Principles and Practice for the CCSP $329 ON SALE $179
Evidence Based Outcome Assessment 2 $59
G3: Gluten, Gut, and Genomics-Nutritional Considerations for Optimized Health Outcomes 3 $69
Headache Diagnosis and Management 2 $59
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) 5 $89
Human Trafficking 1 $39
Immunization: Making Informed Choices 6 $99
Introduction to Functional Medicine 3 $69
Introduction to Vestibular Rehabilitation and Concussion 4 $79
Making the Most of Wearable Technology 4 $79
Minnesota Special CEU Course: Radiology and Boundaries 4 (Three Radiology and One Professional Boundaries) $79
Over the Counter Drugs 4 $79
Pain Management in Chiropractic Practice 6 $99
Patient Care in Radiography for the CA 6 $99
Patient Care in Radiology 6 $99
Physical Assessment and Management of the Knee 6 $99
Pre-Hospital Airway Management 1 $39
Preventing Sudden Death in Sport 3 $69
Probiotics: Today's Research 4 $79
Professional Boundaries and Chiropractic Practice 6 (Risk Management / Boundaries Training Category) $99
Recognizing Skin Conditions 6 (General Category) $99
Risk Management in Chiropractic (2 Hours) 2 (Risk Management / Boundaries Training Category) $59
Risk Management in Chiropractic (3 Hours) 3 (Risk Management / Boundaries Training Category) $69
Risk Management in Chiropractic (4 Hours) 4 (Risk Management / Boundaries Training Category) $79
Risk Management in Chiropractic (6 Hours) 6 (Risk Management / Boundaries Training Category) $99
Risk Management in Chiropractic: Record Keeping (2 Hours) 2 (Risk Management / Boundaries Training Category) $59
Risk Management: Patient Doctor Communications and Cardiac Emergencies 4 $79
Segmental Drop Adjusting: Review of the Thompson Technique 6 $99
Shoulder Region Musculoskeletal Imaging 3 $69
Soft Tissue Care in Chiropractic 6 $99
Sorting out the Confusion in the Treatment of Low Back Pain 4 $79
Special Populations in Chiropractic - The Female Patient 6 (General / 1 hour professional boundaries) $99
Special Populations in Chiropractic - The Osteoporotic Patient 4 (General Category) $79
Sports Chiropractic in a Collegiate Setting 3 $69
The Anatomy of Breastfeeding 4 $79
The Endocannabinoid System 3 $69
The Preparticipation Examination 12 $205
The Role of the Chiropractor in the Legal Process 6 $99
The Spine in Sport 6 $99
Understanding Respiratory Conditions 6 $99
Upper Extremities Rehab: Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation of UE Sports Injuries 3 $69
Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Conditions: Choosing the Right Imaging Modality 3 $69