
Falls are leading cause of injury and death in older Americans
Every second of every day in the United States an older adult falls, making falls the number one cause of injuries and deaths from injury among older Americans. In 2014 alone, older Americans experienced 29 million falls causing seven million injuries

UWS’ “Summer in December” Schedule Announced
Earn up to 20 Continuing Education hours at UWS’ “Summer in December” event in Maui Hawaii December 9-11, 2016. DConline’s very own, Dr. Moreau, will be kicking off the event with a presentation on Integrative Sacroiliac Joint and Lower Extremity Care Strategies! Follow this link for additional information and registration details:
DConline Instructor, Dr. Kevin Pierce, Explains and Performs Cupping in Rio
The dark circles seen on such Olympic athletes as Michael Phelps in Rio have revived interest in cupping, a form of traditional Chinese medical therapy in which suction is applied to areas of the skin

Dr. Moreau Presents on Concussion at the SOMA Scientific Assembly in Charlotte on May 26, 2016
Dr. Moreau will present on US Olympic Committee Concussion Management Strategy through a discussion of current trends in concussion management in Olympic athletes, based on recent developments in active rehabilitation concepts.

DConline Instructors Published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine
Dr. Moreau and fellow DConline faculty members Dr. Dustin Nabhan and Jenna Street, along with authors Taylor Walden and Heather Linden, have been published in the prestigious internationally acclaimed peer-reviewed sports medicine journal, the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Their collaboration on the manuscript entitled “Sports injury and illness epidemiology during the 2014 Youth Olympic Games:… View Article
Allegheny Health Network Partners with Prominent Sports Medicine Director
Allegheny Health Network (AHN) today announced the engagement of Bill Moreau, DC, to assist the Network in its development of world class training facilities and programs geared toward helping elite athletes achieve their fullest potential.

Dr. Moreau Recognized by ACSM with FACSM
Dr. Bill Moreau was recently honored by being awarded the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recognition as a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (FACSM). The FACSM recognizes individuals who distinguished themselves through achievement in sports medicine and related disciplines, as well as a deep and ongoing dedication to the goals and long-range activities of ACSM.
NFL Concussion Think Tank
Dr. Bill Moreau was among the invited concussion researchers in 2014 and he will be in attendance again for the 2015 meeting to be held in England. Moreau is pleased to join together with world renowned experts to work toward answering the question of how we can accelerate the healing of concussed individuals.