The Plexus
Iowa High School Athletic Association Rules On Wearing Special Equipment And Braces For 2005-06
Download the Iowa High School Athletic Association Rules On Wearing Special Equipment And Braces For 2005-06.
Iowa High School Athletic Association and the Iowa Chiropractic Society 2005 Letter to Doctors
The Iowa High School Athletic Association and the Iowa Chiropractic Society have worked closely together for a number of years regarding issues important to the health and safety of student-athletes. As part of our relationship, we send Doctors of Chiropractic across the state information to assist them in being better prepared to deal with concerns… View Article
Sport Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT)
This tool represents a standardized method of evaluating people after concussion in sport. This tool has been produced as part of the Summary and Agreement Statement of the Second International Symposium on concussion in Sport, Prague 2004. Follow this second link on the topic to see the SCAT Card, (Sport Concussion Assessment Tool), MEDICAL EVALUATION.
Head-Down Contact & Spearing in Football
In April 2004, the National Athletic Trainers’ Association published a position statement titled, “HEAD-DOWN CONTACT and SPEARING IN TACKLE FOOTBALL.” The position statement listed twenty-four (24) recommendations to minimize the risk of cervical spine injuries in tackle football.
Content Recommendations for the Sideline Bag
Click here to download the PDF of this case study.
Reducing Dog Bites
Letter to the editor: Estherville Daily News – Oct 2002
The Clinical Application of Outcomes Assessment
Author: Steven G. Yeomans, Publisher: Appleton & Lange; 2000. 696 pages. Reviewed by Bill Moreau, DC, DACBSP Outcome-based practice is quite a buzzword. As we become more accountable, the use of evidence based outcome measures is steadily gaining recognition. While it may sound great, developing an outcome-based practice may mean different things to different doctors. Outcome… View Article
The Chiropractors’ Role in Reducing Catastrophic Football Injuries
Every doctor of chiropractic has the basic skills to help protect athletes from suffering catastrophic head and neck injuries in football. I have officiated football for 10 years and many football injuries I’ve observed could be prevented through education of the athlete, coaching staff, and administrators. Doctors of chiropractic need to become involved in this… View Article