Evaluation of Principles and Practice for the CCSP
Tuition: $329 ON SALE $179
Course Description
This course is available for any doctor who has completed a CCSP® educational program and is preparing to sit for the written examination given by the ACBSP™. Hundreds of doctors have successfully used this course to help them meet their goals of becoming a CCSP®. It will help the you organize and learn about the most pertinent information related to the CCSP® program to prepare for your certification examination. There are supporting materials for each area of the outline that include instruction and sample testing. This course is based on the ACBSP ™ CCSP outline. There are several modules or units included in the course tuition. The first modules are based on discussion and sample questions of the basic and clinical elements for the CCSP. Additional modules include an introduction to the course with recommended reading and references and dealing with test anxiety.
A BIG thanks to you, Bill. The course was highly informative, well-organized and was a big help in preparing for the CCSP exam. Don't know where I would've been without it. It's been WAY too many years since I studied for an exam! Thanks again for all of your help. BC DC CCSP
This course uses interactive studies, audio presentations, automated PowerPoint slideshows, reviews of key materials, recommended readings, over 450 practice test questions to provide for self-evaluation of the materials and so much more. There are weekly mini lectures, key summaries of important materials, and over 40 online reference articles to help you prepare. *DConline classes are in no way associated with the ACBSP ™ in any shape or form. The success of your written project by the ACBSP® will depend on many considerations including but not limited to past learning experiences, preparation, and other immeasurable factors. The course is offered to you as a way to prepare for the written requirement with no guarantee of your individual outcome on the submission you provide. DConline is not affiliated with the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians™, Inc. ACBSP™, CCSP® and DACBSP® are protected marks owned and maintained by the ACBSP®.
The course is available approximately 10 weeks prior to the examination date. The class closes the day of the examination.
The course is designed to review the areas of study to provide the Doctor with additional study materials to prepare for the certification examination:
- Provide an overview of the skills and knowledge's required of doctors working within the sporting arena.
- Discuss the cornerstones of becoming a sports chiropractor
- Applications of physical examination and history taking to assess athletic injuries.
- The "Basic Elements" include, the concepts of a team physician, medical legal issues, environmental concerns, exercise physiology, basic sports biomechanics and nutrition.
- Clinical Elements include, assessment of injuries of the spine and extremities, radiology of athletic injury, emergency procedures, basic adjunctive therapy, and an overview of special populations considerations.
To enroll in this course, please click the link below. You will be redirected to our course platform, Instructure, to complete the transaction.
All opinions, viewpoints and recommendations contained in this presentation represent those of the author alone and do not represent the opinions, viewpoints, or recommendations of any organization with which the author may be affiliated, including, without limitation, the the ACBSP. This work is intended to provide current and accurate information about the subjects covered and is designed to help doctors of chiropractic to maintain their professional expertise. This publication and accompanying program are offered with the understanding that neither the speakers nor sponsoring organizations are rendering any therapeutic or other professional services. Individuals using this publication or orally conveyed information in dealing with a patient's care should also fully research original and current sources of authority.