Iowa Chiropractic Assistant Passive Care Course

Tuition: $179


Course Description

This course is a six-hour class designed to teach assistants of doctors of chiropractic about passive care including physiotherapy. You will be required to document an additional six-hours of practical training under the supervision of your doctor using the forms provided in the course. The curriculum of this course meets the Iowa Board of Chiropractic Examiners CA training guidelines for the Iowa Chiropractic Assistant Passive Care Course. No text is required. You will have six-hours of learning online and six-hours of learning under the guidance of your supervising Iowa Doctor of Chiropractic.


1.  Log six-hours in the course. This means 360 minutes actually logged in the online course.
2.  Score 75% on the final which is an open book online examination.
3.  Complete the practical skills sheets under your doctor’s supervision.
Grading Criteria
The examination will have at least 30 questions. You must score 75% to pass the exam.  The exam is open book. These means you can use any reference you would have available to you when you provide care to a patient.  The questions will be True/False, Multiple Choice, and Fill in the blank.


Discuss the definition, principles, goals, and objectives of passive care.
Evaluate the basic components of the physiotherapy prescription.
Understand the Iowa Chiropractic Board rules that apply to individuals who provide passive care to patient's in an Iowa chiropractic office.
Broaden your understanding of the chiropractic assistants role in providing passive care to patients.
Apply skills associated with providing passive care to patients.
Analyze the different forms of physiotherapy.


To enroll in this course, please click the link below. You will be redirected to our course platform, Instructure, to complete the transaction.




All opinions, viewpoints and recommendations contained in this presentation represent those of the author alone and do not represent the opinions, viewpoints, or recommendations of any organization with which the author may be affiliated, including, without limitation, the the ACBSP.  This work is intended to provide current and accurate information about the subjects covered and is designed to help doctors of chiropractic to maintain their professional expertise. This publication and accompanying program are offered with the understanding that neither the speakers nor sponsoring organizations are rendering any therapeutic or other professional services. Individuals using this publication or orally conveyed information in dealing with a patient's care should also fully research original and current sources of authority.