Law and Ethics of Chiropractic Practice for California

Tuition: $59
Hours: 2


Course Description

This course will explore a range of topics existing under the umbrella term "ethical practices." We'll be looking at questions and concerns related to ethics and the lawful practice of chiropractic in a number of areas including: billing practices, documentation, time/patient complexity related billings, and up-coding practices. Case studies will be utilized as a teaching tool after the preparatory foundations of ethical practice have been discussed.


Written test – 16 questions constructed with multiple choice, true/false and fill in the blank items. Learner must score 75% (12/16 correct) to receive certificate of completion.


HOUR Topic
ONE Introduction to ethics as it relates to chiropractic practice. Identification of the characteristics of ethical behavior. Examination of controversy related to billing procedures, rights of healthcare consumers, and effects of greed among healthcare participants. Appropriate procedures and practices related to business practices associated with medical insurance companies and managed care.
TWO Discussion of professional rules and boundaries as they relate to the doctor-patient relationship. Ethics and how it plays a role in advertising. Discussion of informed consent and the chiropractic practice.


  1. Inform Doctors about the ethics and penalties associated with filing false documentation regarding services.
  2. Explore what “Chiropractic Fraud” means as this terminology relates to code stuffing, over utilization, up coding related to patient/doctor interaction, double billing, etc.
  3. Delve into what constitutes ethical billing practices.
  4. Case presentations, which document fraudulent conduct, will be used to present the realities of civil, administrative, criminal penalties related to fraudulent activities.
  5. Regulation Z of Consumer Protection Act or Truth in Lending Act (Applies to collection of patient’s medical payments)


To enroll in this course, please click the link below. You will be redirected to our course platform, Instructure, to complete the transaction.




All opinions, viewpoints and recommendations contained in this presentation represent those of the author alone and do not represent the opinions, viewpoints, or recommendations of any organization with which the author may be affiliated, including, without limitation, the the ACBSP.  This work is intended to provide current and accurate information about the subjects covered and is designed to help doctors of chiropractic to maintain their professional expertise. This publication and accompanying program are offered with the understanding that neither the speakers nor sponsoring organizations are rendering any therapeutic or other professional services. Individuals using this publication or orally conveyed information in dealing with a patient's care should also fully research original and current sources of authority.