Probiotics: Today’s Research

Tuition: $79
Hours: 4


Course Description

This four (4) hour course uses an evidenced based approach to educate the clinician who is or is considering the use of probiotics for patients. Probiotics are used to maintain wellness and prevent disease. This course reviews current literature to educate the clinician to develop evidence based care pathways in the patient selection and administration of probiotics.



The learner’s time spent studying course materials is tracked electronically. A formal multiple-choice examination is administered at the termination of the course materials. There will be at least three questions for every hour of the class. The learner must score 75% to receive credit for the course. Learners not achieving the pass rate will be directed to additional study by the instructor and allowed to re-take the examination. The learner’s participation (time) is actively tracked and logged. The doctors are engaged in this distance-based class by the use of interactive teaching tools including case study discussions.


HOUR Topic
1.0 Introduction, including general course discussion, FDA rules concerning nutritional supplementation.
2.0 Discovering the microbiome of the Gut, prebiotics, probiotics and the brain gut axis.
3.0 Practical applications of probiotics, clinical indications, and specific disease processes.
4.0 Contraindications, and possible side effects of probiotics.



1) Review current literature regarding the appropriate use of probiotics in the management of healthy and ill patient populations.
2) Identify the indications and contraindications associated with probiotics.
3) Review advancements in evidence based care regarding probiotics.


To enroll in this course, please click the link below. You will be redirected to our course platform, Instructure, to complete the transaction.




All opinions, viewpoints and recommendations contained in this presentation represent those of the author alone and do not represent the opinions, viewpoints, or recommendations of any organization with which the author may be affiliated, including, without limitation, the the ACBSP.  This work is intended to provide current and accurate information about the subjects covered and is designed to help doctors of chiropractic to maintain their professional expertise. This publication and accompanying program are offered with the understanding that neither the speakers nor sponsoring organizations are rendering any therapeutic or other professional services. Individuals using this publication or orally conveyed information in dealing with a patient's care should also fully research original and current sources of authority.