William Stoos
Mr. Stoos is a sole practitioner who practices in Sioux City, Iowa. He has thirty years experience in the trial of personal injury lawsuits in state and federal court. A former military prosecutor and Assistant Attorney General for the State of Iowa he has also had extensive experience in the prosecution of criminal cases. Currently he limits his practice to personal injury work and insurance litigation--including ERISA cases, bad faith, and insurance coverage litigation. He graduated from the University of Iowa Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude in 1972 and from the University of Iowa College of Law With Distinction in 1975.
His interest in the practice of chiropractic evolved over the years through professional contact with chiropractors in the courtroom and through personal friendships with practicing chiropractors. Years ago after attending an impairment ratings seminar, he concluded that too often, doctors of chiropractic--through no fault of their own--were sometimes uninformed about how the court system works, how they are viewed by judges and juries, as well as their role in judicial proceedings generally. To assist in their further education as to the judicial system and the chiropractor's role in it, he published his first edition of The Chiropractor as Expert Copyright (c) 2005 William Kevin Stoos in the mid-90s and then updated it for the past two years--adding additional case law and examples of how and how not to testify in court.
He has very positive feelings about the profession in general and the role of chiropractors in the legal system and has the firm belief that doctors of chiropractic--when they testify in their field of expertise--are as good as it gets. He has spoken to chiropractor groups about the subject of the chiropractor as expert, retained chiropractors as testimonial experts, experts for consultation as well as for independent medical examinations. He had the good fortune to befriend Dr. Moreau and says he is excited to be a small part of Dr. Moreau's superb online educational system.
When he is not practicing law, his consuming passion is writing about matters of faith and politics for numerous magazines in the United States and Canada, including Liberty Magazine, The Catholic Digest, The Liguorian, The Family Digest, The Annal of St. Anne in Canada, The Bread of Life, Adventist Review and others. A former columnist for the Manchester Union Leader, his work has also been read in Congress and published in the Congressional Record. His publication fees and royalties go to the support of Catholic missions, hospices and convents.
Stoos likes to fish and boat in the Iowa Great Lakes area, and most of all spend time with his family. He resides in Wynstone, South Dakota, where his favorite pastime is stoking a fire, sitting on his back porch, writing and listening to the coyotes.